Communicating through a website…..

I’ve been thinking about our school website.  I’m excited to see what it will look like when it is completed.  I want it streamlined, easy to use, but with excellent information that is useful and up to date for our parents.  It must highlight how ‘unique’ we are and what we excel at.

Going through the list of statutory documents makes me realise that we still have a few things that need to be completed to ensure that everything is up there for September.  Obviously, it will continue to develop once we get it rolled out.  The idea is that teachers will send through weekly updates and pictures for our IT technician to add.  I want it to be a place where parents can find all of the information that they need.  I want it to be a place where if parents get stuck, they can go onto the website and find out more information about how to help their children at home.  

It is just one way in which I hope that we can better communicate with our parents.  Communication is always a gripe, so the more ways in which we can communicate things, the better.

I’m hoping that this website will enhance this and reflect who we truly are as a school.

It needs to make us stand out from the crowd……while allowing our parents to be fully informed and aware of what is going on in school……

How do you use your website to communicate with parents?  How are you adapting to all of the changes and statutory requirements of the website?


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